
My studio is active year around, Monday-Friday from 6 in the morning, and at times even earlier, to late at night.
Compulsory recitals happen on Sundays every 2 months. The children's recitals are always at 2 and the adult recitals are always at 4. The recitals give students a focus for preparation, so that they are always preparing for the next recital. It also gives them a good opportunity to listen to others and be inspired and encouraged.
I direct my teaching toward classical music and encourage students to listen to WRR FM and as many concerts as possible. I encourage each student to do her best and take pride in good preparation. I also encourage parents to attend lessons and some of them are taking lessons as well so that music becomes a family affair.
Students are expected to practice attentively every day, for at least a total of one hour each day. The studio is a place of joyful hard work and attentive skill building.
I work on awareness of movement used in playing where minimum light movement produces great tone and great musicality. I work on as much ear training and theory as time allows and some music history as well. Students take from one hour to 2 hours a week always at the same time year around.
Lesson Structure:
I direct my teaching toward classical music and encourage students to listen to WRR FM and as many concerts as possible. I encourage each student to do her best and take pride in good preparation. I also encourage parents to attend lessons and some of them are taking lessons as well so that music becomes a family affair.